Why I am Running for Brighton School Board
The Brighton Area School District has long been recognized for providing students a high quality education in a safe environment. Having said this, I see room for meaningful improvement. In 2023, Brighton High School was ranked 38th in the state of Michigan and 1,309th nationally by US News and World Report. While rankings are not a perfect measure of student outcomes, they are indicative of how one school or one school system compares to others. I am confident we can do better. My long background in education as an instructor and as a leader of a successful Master's program at Michigan State University provide me with insight into challenging educational issues, as well as an understanding of the knowledge, mindset, and skills students need to succeed at the next level. Unlike many educators, I also have a long background as an employee and executive at major corporations (Coca-Cola and Chrysler), which provides a "real world" balance to my background in the academic world. My area of expertise is strategy and strategic decision-making, which provides me with the knowledge and tools to help effectively plan BAS's future along with fellow board members, the administration, parents, students, and teachers.
The bottom line is, I believe my background will provide me with a unique and value-added perspective as a board member, enabling me to help improve the Brighton School District, which will benefit students, as well as other important stakeholders.
Below, you can find some of my brief thoughts on a number of issues relevant to the Brighton Area School District.
Excellence in Education - high standards, expectations, rankings, and student outcomes should be a major focus of the school district. Our students should be well-prepared for whatever future they wish to pursue, whether that means moving on to college, vocational training, the military, or some other calling. Achieving educational excellence is a team effort, requiring support from multiple stakeholders.
Student Safety - Students' physical safety is extremely important and should be an major focus of the board, administration, and other stakeholders. Having a safe environment in which all students feel free to share their thoughts and opinions and challenge others' ideas is important to effective learning
Transparency - All stakeholders should have access to data and information relevant to the operations of the school district unless limited by law.
Fiscal Responsibility - Brighton Area Schools has experienced significant fiscal challenges in the past. While these issues have been reconciled over the last 10 years, we cannot return to the past poor practices. It is essential that good financial management of district resources be maintained and that tax payers are recognized as important stakeholders.
All Stakeholders Respected - Some issues and decisions can be contentious and lead to unproductive discussions. Maintaining respectful relationships and a solution-oriented focus among board members and the broader stakeholder community is critical to good decision-making and positive outcomes for students and the community.